Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October Newsletter

Mark Your Calendar...
     It is hard to believe that we have already been back to school for a month!  We are loving our classes this year.  They are all so darling and they are keeping us laughing!
     October is going to be a very busy month.  Please note that we do will not have school on Thursday the 16th for UEA break.  The other change in our schedule will be that we are having school on Monday the 27th to accomodate our pumpkin patch fieldtrip.  They told me that Tues-Friday are crazy and hardly anyone comes on Mondays.  So, that week we will have school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and our Halloween party will be on Wednesday the 29th.  The kids who only come on Tues/Thurs, should come on Mon/Wed that week.  If you have a scheduling problem let me know as soon as possible and I will see what we can do.

A Peek at the Weeks....
Week 1:  Letter S-Scarecrows, Stone Soup, Spiders
Week 2:  Letter O-Fall-Owls/leaves
Week 3:  Letter N-Noodles/Fairy Tales
Week 4:  Letter P-Pumpkins, Popcorn, Pizza  
Week 5:  Halloween-Bats & Ghosts

Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip
We will be going to the pumpkin patch at Vineyard Gardens in Orem.  If the weather is bad, we will just stay at school and do some fun pumpkin things.  We will need several parents from each class to come with us to help drive and keep track of the kids.  Hopefully since we are going on a Monday, it won't be as crowded as it has been in years past.  We will leave about 15 min. (9:30, 12:00) after school starts and get back about 15 min. before school ends.  You can pick your kids up at the regular time after school.  Please let me know if you would like to come!

Halloween Party
We are so excited for our Halloween Party!  Everyone is invited to wear their costumes to school-we will try not to do anything too messy!  Also, please send in 18 pieces of the same kind of wrapped candy on the 29th.  We will be playing some sorting and sharing games with the candy.  The candy can be as simple as tootsie rolls, or whatever you are passing out to trick-or-treaters.  Thank you for helping us with this project.

T-shirt Info.
The t-shirts have been ordered and will be done before our fieldtrip.  If you ordered a shirt and haven't paid the $6.00, please send it in with your October tuition payment.  If you have any questions, give me a call.

Tuition Payment
As a reminder, tuition is $75.00 for the T,W,TH class and $60.00 for the T, Th class.  Tuition is due by Thursday the 2nd.  Also, please make the checks to Amber Peck.-Thanks!


The Pierce Pack said...

Can you tell us what time the field trip is for the Pumpkin Patch? Thanks.

cHeRi" said...

I would love to go with you guys to help with the field trip!!! Let me know details!! Thanks!

Brandan & Haylie said...

I would love to help on the fieldtrip. Count me in.